Saturday, October 01, 2005

St. Judith is really reporter Judy Miller

Now we're told she's St. Judith, the martyr journalist who allowed herself to be hurled into prison rather than break her confidentiality vow. MSM colleagues speak of her in reverential terms.

But not too long ago St. Judith was New York Times reporter Judy Miller; and quite a controversial figure among those same MSM colleagues, many of whom viewed her as a someone whose fierce ambition led her to step on others and twist facts to fit a story.

This from a New York Magazine story (June 7, 2004)

During the winter of 2001 and throughout 2002, Miller produced a series of stunning stories about Saddam Hussein’s ambition and capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, based largely on information provided by Chalabi and his allies—almost all of which have turned out to be stunningly inaccurate.

An unusual number of her co-workers have gone out of their way to separate themselves and their paper from Miller. Few are brave enough to attach their names to the stories, but they all sound a similar refrain. “She’s a shit to the people she works with,” says one. “When I see her coming, my instinct is to go the other way,” says another. They recite her foibles and peccadilloes, from getting temporarily banned by the Times’ D.C. car service for her rudeness to throwing a fit over rearranged items on her desk. Defenders are few and far between.
Read the whole story here. You'll learn a lot about Miller, The New York Times, our government, and MSM.

In the coming days and weeks when MSM tells you what St. Judith is revealing, remember it wasn't so long ago she was Times reporter Judy Miller.

In fact, I think she really still is.


Anonymous said...

I buy the "hiding from the Grand Jury" explanation myself.


Anonymous said...

What's the expression: chicken dressed up as squab?