Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Churchill Series - Dec. 18, 2005

(One of a series of daily posts on the life of Winston S. Churchill.)

A few random facts concerning Churchill:

The former cavalry officer who loved polo and fox-hunting rode to his Sept. 12, 1908 wedding in an electric automobile.

During Churchill’s time, the Prime Minister’s official country residence, Chequers, lacked central heating. Eisenhower referred to it as "that damned icebox."

Churchill once told Eisenhower: "All I want is compliance with my wishes, after reasonable discussion."

Of Churchill and Eisenhower, historian Carlo D'Este says:

Although the two men would engage in numerous heated debates during the course of the war, neither ever lost his respect for or friendship with the other.
Randolph S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman for photo and description of automobile (after p. 222)

Carlo D'Este, Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life for other references (pgs. 328-331)


bardseyeview said...

Nice to see a Churchill fan. Years ago I read his four volume History of the English Speaking Peoples. Masterful prose. Key figure of the last century.
