Sunday, February 26, 2006

AP quotes Pope Center's George Leef: Summers's was "march(ed) to the scaffold"

An Associated Press story offering opinions on the reason(s) for Harvard University President Lawrence Summers' departure quotes Tar Heel higher education policy expert George Leef

Now, some people who may have donated money or sent their children to Harvard may think twice, said George Leef, executive director of the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, a North Carolina think tank devoted to what Leef calls "educational traditionalism."

"What Summers was trying to do was restore some of the academic integrity that he could see and many other people could see has been eroding at Harvard," he said. "And for doing so, for saying some things that the faculty regarded as intolerable, he had to march to the scaffold."
In the next few days I'll begin posting on campus issues here in North Carolina. I'll be referring often to George Leef and The Pope Center.