Monday, May 15, 2006

Duke lacrosse and bathroom safety

Today’s indictment of Duke Men’s lacrosse captain David Evans adds to the story the accuser and DA Mike Nifong want us to believe.

We should believe that:

On the night of March 13/14 at a party at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. in Durham, David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann dragged the resisting accuser into the bathroom where they each brutally raped, sodomized and choked here as she struggled for her life.
That's what we're all supposed to believe.

Mind you, I’m not saying anyone should believe any of that.

I just want us to agree on what a person must believe in order to agree with what the accuser and Nifong are saying.

I’m doing that because I want to ask the millions who believe the accuser and Nifong some questions.

The rest of you are, of course, welcome to read along and decide how you’d answer those questions.

Now questions for accuser/Nifong believers:

Have you and someone else ever helped a cooperative elderly or very ill person into a bathroom to shower?

Did you have to be extremely careful and move very slowly lest you accidentally injure the person or yourselves by hitting one of the many hard, angular, and large objects found in a bathroom?

Did you carefully plan and coordinate with the ill or elderly person and your helper every move you all made in order to avoid serious injury to any of you?

And for all the planning and cooperation, you knew the smallest slip or bump could result in a serious injury, didn’t you?

Did you think about getting a third person to help?

If you did, I'm betting you rejected that idea because you knew a third person would only make things too crowded and hard for everyone to maneuver safely around the shower/tub, toilet, sink, medicine cabinet and towel rack.

Am I right?

Have you ever tried to help an elderly or ill person who resisted a bathroom shower, say an Alzheimer patient with paranoid ideation?

Did you try to shower the person anyway, or did you immediately stop because you knew going ahead would be physically dangerous to the person and yourself?

Did you think instead of a bedroom where you could give the person a sponge bath?

That would make a lot more sense, wouldn’t it?

The papers report the house at 610 North Buchanan Blvd. has three bedrooms.

One last question: Will you tell us why you believe what the accuser and DA Nifong are saying?


Anonymous said...

Well, well, uh ... uh welllll, if we don't believe them they belong in jail, for it is not possible to be that mistaken, on so many different fronts. That has to be crookedness.

Nifong should be under indictment. Does N.C. allow citizens to present to a grand jury? Some jurisdictions do. That would be a very appropriate action.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very possible that three young men and a woman spent a half hour in that bathroom without leaving any physical evidene of a brutal rape.

I also think that the Easter Bunny and Roger Rabbit are conspiring to beam alien mind rays into the Duke LAX team to make them all tell the same false story of "didn't notice nothing."


Anonymous said...

If she was drugged, as the evidence suggests, it would have been difficult for her to effectively resist being raped. We don't know the size of the bathroom, nor what fixtures are in it, so it's hard to say if things would have been broken.

But, the biggest fallacy in your argument is the assumption that the players would have cared about the stripper, which they clearly did not. The bathroom was easy because it was easily controlled, and not likely to be walked into by a player not aware of what was going on.

Furthermore, what I don't get about the pro-lacrosse team side is their ambivalence about young men who are nothing short of despicable human beings. Racism has no place in the United States, and certainly no place in an elite college, and yet Duke students and other whites are lining up to defend people who are anti-gay, racist bigots-in-training.

While I think the lacrosse team at Duke is a symbol of what's wrong on college campuses today, and that Duke, and every other college, should do all in its power--even closing fraternities and ending sports programs that foster this kind of behavior--to address this problem, I don't think I have enough evidence to believe one side or the other. We have a legal system, and it should be allowed to do its work.

But, I think it's also important to recognize that thousands of black men have been wrongly accused of rape by white women, and convicted in court even though they were later found innocent. Rape is a difficult crime to prosecute, and the racism that is endemic in the country has meant that black men have born the brunt of the consequences of false identification. While I'm not suggesting that these players be prosecuted for the crimes of their fathers, this history is important to remember when people talk about justice in this case.

While I'm not expecting a response, I wonder if anyone would like to explain why they want to defend these players, many of whom have long histories of boorish behavior. One can choose to be suspicious of particular pieces of evidence or discount proposed timelines without going on to talk about these men as upstanding citizens. Everyone's so eager to criticize the accuser's personal choices. Why can't we have a little parity here?

Anonymous said...

anonymous, I'll respond. There is definitely racism here. Yours. It is obvious. Reread what you wrote. Your only point is that the players are white and black men have been done wrong in the past.

That is what you are basing your criticism of the rest of us on. Shame on you.

We are all for parity. To date, no evidence of any crime committed in that house has surfaced. How the Hell does a DA prove who did it, when he can't offer proof of an it?

The stories of both strippers have changed numerous times, DNA has not indicated any contact between the players and the woman. One witness was bribed with financial favor at her bail/bondsman's expense and suddenly her story changed. A taxi driver was arrested for something one of his passengers did away from the cab two years ago and the first question he was asked had nothing to do with the charges, but was did he want to change his testimony about the kid that was with him at the time of the alleged rape. These are crimes, but they have been committed by the DA, a judge, and the police. If you were interested in justice, why are you not enraged about these infractions of the law and decency instead of being upset because it looks like some white kids may not be convicted of something that never happened?

There is racism here, alright. Yours.

There is much more that would lead any reasonable man to assume that no rape occurred, but I fear I have wasted this time on a closed and prejudiced mind, I'll not waste more. If you really want the truth, its out there and you can find it. That you haven't and the tone of your comment suggests that is not what you desire.

Anonymous said...

Anon -
"What's wrong on college campuses today" you say.

Compared to what?

Compared to the SDS in the 60's and 70's?

Compared to the god-help-us Disco generation of the 80's?

Compared to the Gecko wannabes in the 90's?

Compared to the white-only campuses of the 30's?

When was the golden age, exactly?

I'll tell you, having been to both Duke and UNC for school, there isn't a tuppence of difference between them, except the Duke graduation rate of athletes is something like 40% higher.

Colleges are full of young adults, so the idiocy level is pretty high. And historically always has been. (Ever read Lee's letters to parents at Washington College after the WONA?)

But brutal gang rape after having the forethought to drug a woman? Seems pretty unlikely.


Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

It's very refreshing to read a well thought-out commentary on what I think is a scam by the stripper. Gang-rape?

Um...Tawana Brawley, anyone?

Give me a break. Someone give the woman her 15 minutes of fame on Good Morning America so we can move on.