Monday, August 28, 2006

Responding to momofthree

Readers’ Note: For some months, a visitor self-identifying as momofthree has commented here.

Momofthree (mo3) has been kind as regards my Duke hoax posts. But mo3 has also pointed out investigative and legal questions mo3 encouraged me to pursue. Sometimes mo3 has come back to the same questions and given me another prod, always gently and civilly.

I’ve appreciated mo3’s comments and the information mo3’s provided.

I’ve read them all, but I’ve not posted on any and, until about 10 days ago, I’ve never directly acknowledged mo3’s comments.

But at that time, in a “Talking with JinC Regulars and Reader/Commenters” post, I said I’d soon respond to mo3 directly and here on the main page.

Here goes.

Dear momofthree,

Responding to you is also a chance to tell other visitors, some of whom are new to JinC, something about what I try to do here with regard to the Duke hoax. So I’m responding on the main page.

I’ve appreciated all your comments. They’ve informed and encouraged me.

But you can ask, “Then why didn’t you pursue the questions I asked?”

Mainly because your questions have involved fairly complex legal matters; and that’s not my area. While I appreciate being alerted to them, other bloggers have a better understanding of such matters and write more cogently on them

Example: Beginning in May, I wrote a series of posts concerning requests attorney Alex Charns, representing an unidicted Duke lacrosse, has make to the Durham Police Department and the City of Durham regarding a CrimeStoppers poster Charns maintains libeled his client and the rest of the Duke Men's lacrosse team.

Charns you no doubt know, but others reading this may not know, has asked Durham Police and City for a full, public apology and an official investigation into police conduct related to the “Wanted” poster which CrimeStoppers produced and distributed in late March. Durham Police and City maintain they’re done nothing wrong.

As a result of face-to-face and phone interviews with Charns, Police and City officials, and others; and through document reviews and readings of rules and regulations governing Police and City conduct in such matters, I realized I was getting into areas other bloggers could better understand and more effectively communicate to readers.

So I talked to historian and blogger KC Johnson. In addition to being a superb blogger, KC has taught Constitutional law courses at the university level. He agreed to take on Charns/CrimeStoppers as one of his areas of interest.

That enabled me to get back to investigating and posting on matters I feel better able to deal with. For example, establishing when the Raleigh News & Observer first learned of the extensive cooperation the three Duke lacrosse captains who rented the house voluntarily provided Durham police. And learning when the N&O reported that cooperation to readers; and in what detail.

I’ll be posting those questions later today to the N&O’s managing editor, John Drescher, who’s just begun blogging at the Editors’ Blog.

I want you and others to also know I sometimes pass on to other bloggers items commenters have called to my attention that I think they can assess and respond to better than I.

I hope you’ll continue to visit and comment here as you wish.

Finally, since you first started commenting here, I’m sure you’ve noticed and cheered the growth in the number and quality of blogs now regularly covering the Duke hoax.

That’s a wonderful note on which to end.

Every blessing to you and those with you,



Anonymous said...

From Momtothree

Hi John,

I appreciated your post entitled "Responding to momofthree" but it was also quite perplexing. First off, I’m assuming you do mean me, though I go by momtothree rather than momofthree. I have read your blog ever since the Duke case broke and have thoroughly admired your commentary and your continuing pursuit of the ever dishonest N&O and the many other ways you have advanced the story. However, I do believe I have only left one comment on your blog, and that was August 15 in regard to the Johnville News story about Kim stealing the AV's money. I have looked back through about a month’s worth of comments and didn’t see anything else from either a Momtothree or Momofthree. But, in any case, I am a huge fan, if not a frequent commentator or poster. Thank you again for all you do.

Best wishes,


P.S. I had to post this under Anonymous, because I couldn't get my login to work.

JWM said...

Dear Momtothree,

In the first place, I'm sorry I got your name wrong.

I'm under some deadlines now, but I'll be back to you tonight.

Churchill had an expression: "All will come right."

I think it will with us.

Thanks for your nice words.


JWM said...

Dear Momtothree,

I've searched my archives but not the threads.

I find one other Momtothree comment in draft post I never completed. The draft's dated 8/5 although that doesn't mean that's when I "received" the comment.

The comment begins: "Recently, I’ve been researching back in old posts, transcripts, documents and commentary about a particular crotchet of mine, which is the original naming of the perpetrators as Adam, Matt and Bret. [...]

The way Blogger works we put a date on a draft or post and that's the date no matter how many times and over how many days we work on the draft or revised the post.

We (bloggers) can also change the date but I almost never do.

Is the comment yours?

Another thought is it may have been "dropped" here on a thread by someone wanting to call it to my attention.

As for my going back over the threads the last few months that will take time.

But I'll do it if you like but I can't start til the weekend.

In whatever case I want this to come out with you feeling right.

I'll certainly at the least put an update with the post.

What will make things right for you?

BTW - Please take a look at my "Taylor leaves Times no place to hide" post. I'd like your reaction.

And please, once more, tell me how to make things right. I'm sorry I got your name wrong and may have made other errors.


Anonymous said...

From Momtothree

John, John

Really, truly, all is well. I had only been perplexed as to what originally led you to believe that I had been frequently commenting at your blog. I think you have explained it.

The quote from your comment above is from something I wrote and posted on the TalkLeft discussion board. Someone must have reposted it in as a comment on your board. It's not something I would do.

No need to research anymore. And I remain a devoted reader, if not a frequent commentator.

I was just so pleased that Stuart Taylor has written his great piece. He is such an excellent person to do it, It should draw enormous, enormous attention.

You are so right to point out that the piece contains big new news about the toxicology report and Gottlieb's prior history with Duke students. Both of these things deserve a lot of further investigation.

I'm also glad that the focus of the article is the NYT's journalistic malfeasance. To see a newspaper do such an awful thing is just stunning. I also truly applaud the service you have done in showing the horrible bias of the local media. And not just showing their bias, but personally making them look at it and then (at least a few of them) begin to make some small moves toward honesty.

As you have helped us see even more clearly, the media, local, national and in between, is truly our first line of defense against corrupt officials wielding their power to harm the innocent. When they don't do their job, or worse, aid and abet those same corrupt officials, then we are all in big trouble.

This case will have so many critical lessons to teach before it is all over, but the corrupt influence of media bias will be one of the most important.

Again, thanks for all you do.