Saturday, October 07, 2006

Storms. This to N&O. Then shutting down until A.M.

There are many thunderstorms in our area now.

I'm shutting down until tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I left this a while ago at the Relaigh News & Observer's Editors' Blog on the March 25 story post:

I just want to commend the readers, really citizen journalists, here who are exposing the falsehoods in the N&O's original Mar. 25 story as well as refuting and exposing point-by-point the self-serving, incomplete and misleading justifications Editor Williams made in her post and Editor Sill has made on the comment thread.

You are rendering an important service to those of us who want facts and not PC and leftist agendas.

Your work is also bringing some measure of comfort to the many innocent people who have been harmed and endangered by what Williams' post and this thread make very clear was the N&O's recklessly irresponsible, if not deliberately malicious, reporting.


See you all tomorrow.
