Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Gottlieb question

If the Easter Bunny can leave millions of baskets under children's beds, why are we making such a big deal about Durham Police Sgt. Mark Gottlieb leaving jsut one thrity-two page report in DA Nifong's "IN" basket?


Anonymous said...

Gottlieb is one of those whose pension probably should be grabbed by the local government for what his 'procedures' are going to cost them.

Anonymous said...

Gotleib's testimony of 'the inside details' of the Nifongiavellian machinations of deceit.

If he doesn't come forward, then let's take his pension away.

Anonymous said...

The article by Neff et al about the accuser seeking money was buried by the N&0 inside the local section on 11/4. Do you have any comments on this?