Friday, December 29, 2006

Boyd's still a favorite

I visit David Boyd's blog because he can put so much good sense and "punch" into a few words.

Here's one Boyd post:

It's the power, stupid


Progressives are in the business of complaining and denouncing — as a prelude to seeking sweeping powers to control other people’s lives, in the name of curing the ills of society.
And here's another:
Safety nets not mattresses

...apparently we have lost sight of the conservative, as opposed to purely libertarian, reasons for limiting government. It is exactly because the welfare state cannot replicate the benefits of organic institutions like families, neighborhoods, and congregations; it can only make it easier for atomized individuals to live without these vital institutions. Welfarism tends to crowd out civil society just as surely as public spending crowds out private investment.
The purely libertarian reasons are enough for me, however he's on to something. It's impossible to replace mothers and fathers - even if you have a seemingly infinite supply of government bureaucrats.

Folks, I hope you give David a visit. I think you'll like his blog. He's a "neighbor" blogger "just down the road" near Greenboro


Anonymous said...

Once this is over, Durham will be forgotten except as a where are they now piece.