Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Churchill Series – Apr. 25, 2007

(One of a series of weekday post on the life of Winston S. Chruchill.)

At a Churchill Centre dinner in 1987, Grace Hamblin, for many years one of Churchill’s stenographers and typists, shared some recollections. This brief excerpt of her remarks include two very amusing anecdotes I’d never heard:

I’ve been told that long ago in the House of Commons, a Member made a terribly long and tedious speech, to which Sir Winston, then Mr. Churchill, was to reply. When he finally rose he said, “I’m so glad the Rt Hon Member for So-and-So has spoken for so long; he badly needs the practice.” …

Speeches were always very exciting. First they’d be dictated and taken down in shorthand. In those days there weren’t the same machines as there are now. The drafts would be corrected time and again, and finally put into Speech Form, which I think most of you know.

It was very important to put it as he was going to say it. You could easily put him out if you entered a line in the wrong place. Also he had a way of shortening his words. “Ch of Exch” meant Chancellor of the Exchequer, we all knew that. But “C of E” meant Church of England. I once transposed them. You can imagine what he said about that!
I hope you’re smiling and have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

One of the best WSC anecdotes is_towards the end of his career in the House of Commons- he was sistting with his head on his arm and presumably napping.A young member remarked to another,"they say the Old Man is losing his mind.'
Churchill replied ,without raising his head,"They say he's deaf,too.'

JWM said...

Anon @ 9:37,

Thanks for sharing a great story.

Any thoughts about how I can improve the series?


Anonymous said...

I was leaving a comment to tell you who much I enjoyed the "practice speaking" anecdote only to find that hilarious post from 9:37.

Thanks for writing such wonderful pieces on my two favorite topics (other than my family)...the duke hoax and WSC. You are always exploring something of interest!