Sunday, June 08, 2008

Commenter on Wright’s words, Obama’s responsibilities. My response.

Here’s a comment responding to Wright’s sexist slime of Rice. Obama said nothing:

The comments are reprehensible but so is Rev Wright.

But Obama is NOT responsible for what his pastor says. The only real question is why did he not resign a decade ago. Obama is either a hypocrite, or more likely, as Wright accurately said, he is first and foremost a politician who joined the church that could most advance his career. The fact that he is well spoken is incidental. –
My response - - -

The comments are reprehensible but so is Rev Wright.


But Obama is NOT responsible for what his pastor says.

Agreed, again, but not as fully.

In this case, Obama, while not directly responsible for Wright’s racist and anti- Americanism pulpit rants, bears a considerable personal responsibility for “lending consent” to Wright by his membership in Trinity, his bringing his children to it for religious instruction, and his hefty financial support of Trinity.

The only real question is why did he not resign a decade ago. Obama is either a hypocrite, or more likely, as Wright accurately said, he is first and foremost a politician who joined the church that could most advance his career.

I don’t believe Wright has ever said Obama joined Trinity to advance his political career.

I won’t question Obama’s claim he joined Trinity for religious reasons.

To you Commenter and all others reading here, I’m sorry if I didn’t make clear before this that I don’t hold Obama responsible for what Wright’s preached, but for his, Obama’s, lending Wright’s ravings various forms of support and leaving thoughtful Americans who love this country to ask what sort of political leader would endorse and praise Wright until just recently.

Thank you for commenting.


Anonymous said...

Silence is consent (or worse.)

As a Christian, Obama is bound by the scriptures to hold his Pastor accountable. When Rev Wright made the first statement in the pulpit that was contrary to scriptures or moral law, Obama was bound by the scriptures to meet with the Pastor in private and voice his concerns. If he could not win the Pastor over, he was bound to go to his Pastor with another Christian. If he was still unable to win over the Pastor, he was obligated by the scriptures to bring it before the whole church.

Failure to act did one of two things. It marked Obama's consent to what the Pastor was saying or it marked his failure to act in accordance with the scriptures. (I reject any argument that accepts Obama's contention that he never heard his pastor make these evil remarks)

Either action shows Obama for what he is. A person lacking the moral turpitude to be worthy of respect and position of leadership.

Locomotive Breath said...

Obama is either a hypocrite, or more likely, as Wright accurately said, he is first and foremost a politician who joined the church that could most advance his career.

I think that's true. Barack Obama was raised in the non-black world. He joined that church to build up credibility among Chicago's black community because he was viewed as "not black enough". Now that his religious affiliation has become inconvenient because it makes him "too black" for the rest of the country, he's dropped it in the laundry bin like like yesterday's dirty underwear. So much for his "faith".

p.s. For Barack it was window dressing. It's Michelle who's the true believer.