Monday, February 02, 2009

MSM still tanking for Obama

TIME has just posted a story on the Midwest ice storm that includes:

As for [Kentucky] officials, the weekend involved a rapid reassessment of just how dire the situation had become. Speaking out the day after some local municipalities decried a lack of federal or state emergency relief,

Gov. Steve Beshear described the fallout from last week's ice storm as the state's largest-ever natural disaster. He then activated every last member of Kentucky's National Guard, dispatching all 4,600 Guardsman to assist with the statewide crisis.

On Sunday, they were going door to door in some areas, to reach stranded citizens.

But by Monday, there were still a quarter-million people without power, with scores of residents who had first attempted to ride out the storm now giving up and fleeing to shelters. (See pictures of the 2007 midwest ice storm.)
TIME’s only mention of the man it campaigned so hard to elect President is that he was notified about the state of emergency.

A journalist friend commented offline:
John, have you noticed how little attention the MSM are giving to the colossal Midwest ice storm, which has affected millions of people compared to Katrina? This storm occurred on Obama's watch.

Imagine what you would be seeing on the front pages and on the nightly news if Bush were still in the White House?
It’s the old double standard at work, even when natural disasters are involved.


Anonymous said...

And it's all caused by GLOBAL WARMING!!

Anonymous said...

Double standards so blatant is leaves a stain.

I know I shouldn't be, but I am still amazed that more people can't, don't want see it or don't think it is important.

Though I wish we had a little part of that global warming in Southern Australia, we are in the middle of a record breaking heat wave. Though records only go back for 150 odd years and it was after one of the coldest starts to summer I can remember.

Scott S.